Digital dashboards that help you identify deviations and make the right decisions.
Capture your deviations and turn them into improvements
Continuous improvement, Kaizen boards, PDCA and other tools.
Improve key performance indicators within your specific focus areas with our SQCDP board.
Use the PDCA cycle as a tool to improve both quality and processes
Digital tools for 5S work, recurring audits, and a well-organized workplace.
Visualize KPIs and communicate effectively throughout the entire organization.
Basic project management and activity boards.
Kanban is a powerful method for visualizing, managing, and optimizing workflows.
Digital dashboards for takt time flow with takt time counter and stop time log.
Digital visitor registration provides full control over all planned and executed visits to your business.
With the vision of a Småland without waste, Södra Smålands avfall och miljö (SSAM) has a society-bearing mission, to say the least. Creating good internal information flows and involving all employees in the daily management of operations are important parts of this work. They are now aiming to digitalize these aspects with Boards on Fire.
– It is very important to involve all employees in the daily management so that everyone knows what should be prioritized here and now for us to develop together going forward. In an operation like ours, which is spread out in several different places, it is a challenge to efficiently distribute the right information to everyone who needs it, when they need it. A digital solution like Boards on Fire fits well in this situation, says SSAM's CEO Florim Albborn.
SSAM is a regional waste company in Småland that is jointly owned by the five municipalities Lessebo, Markaryd, Tingsryd, Växjö, and Älmhult. It is within the production department that Boards on Fire will first be tested. It covers three units - collection and treatment of waste and 19 recycling centers around the owner municipalities.
– Every morning we run pulse meetings in three steps. First at unit level, then in each department and finally in management. Between eight o'clock and a quarter to nine, information about all important decisions for the day has moved up and down in the organization, says Florim Albborn.
At the pulse meetings, they follow up both soft values and hard key figures. They cover health and safety, waste tonnage, whether waste collection has been done according to plan, the number of visitors to recycling centers, and more. This is where we have started to implement digital pulse boards with Boards on Fire.
– It is a low threshold to get started with Boards on Fire since we can use the hardware we already have, log in, and get the information on our smartphones, at the computer, or on TV screens out at different units. The goal is to increase proximity to each other and raise engagement. Then we will also gather more improvement suggestions from employees throughout the operation and solve things together, says Florim and continues:
– Our main goal at SSAM is to reduce the amount of waste and therefore we must work with, and spread knowledge about, all the steps in the waste hierarchy both internally and to the public. First and foremost, it's about influencing people to buy fewer things. The next step is to reuse our things instead of throwing them away. What cannot be reused, we want to recycle as much as possible into new materials or as energy. Only after that do we have landfill as a last, but hopefully not a final option. What is landfilled today we may be able to recycle in new ways in the future.
Happens at Boards on Fire
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