Microsoft Azure brings new benefits to Boards on Fire

During 2022 we are working on some major changes in Boards on Fire. The platform shift to Microsoft Azure brings many improvements to our customers. Simplified user management, increased performance and smoother integrations are some examples.

Thanks to some of great recruitments, we have doubled the strength of the development unit and laid out a clear plan going forward.

– There is always fierce competition for talented developers, so of course it feels good that what we do at Boards on Fire attracts the right skills. We also notice in the dialogue with our customers that they appreciate that all development of our solutions is carried out by Boards on Fire's own team, says Ola Karlsson, CTO at Boards on Fire.


Daily Scrum with parts of the development unit at Boards on Fire HQ.

Centralized user management and SSO

The single biggest effort on the roadmap now in 2022 is the migration to a new cloud platform. We are moving from Amazon's solutions to Microsoft Azure, which means a number of advantages for our customers.

– An important improvement that many of our larger customers have requested is centralized user management. With the move to Azure, customers will in future be able to control authorizations to Boards on Fire via their own AD (Active Directory) regardless of which solution they have. For example, it will be possible with Single Sign-On (SSO), says Ola.

What other benefits does this mean for Boards on Fire's customers?

–g There are a number of things that may not be so clearly visible on the outside. For example, we are improving our performance in several ways, which makes the solution much better adapted to scaling up than before. We will also be able to create more databases, which makes it possible for us to offer customers the choice of having their own separate database if needed, says Ola and continues:

– It also opens up new possibilities for simpler integrations with other systems. In the long run, our customers will even be able to use their own Microsoft Azure as a low code platform to make their own integrations with Boards on Fire without the need extensive coding knowledge or a lot of time.

What is the time plan for the platform change?

– We have worked out a good development process that allows us to maintain a consistently high pace. Among other things, in collaboration with Combitech, we have reviewed routines for secure development to meet the high demands on information security within most major organizations today.

– The goal is to be able to start a rollout after the turn of the year, but of course we will not release anything before all parts are quality assured in several stages. In practical terms, we will be able to remain in the old platform in parallel and move over customer by customer. Then they can continue to work in their existing environment while we make sure everything flows as it should before we shift over, says Ola.

Filip Lendahls


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