The most common components in Boards on Fire dashboards

In Boards on Fire's dashboards, there are different components that fulfill different functions. In this chapter, we will explain how the most common ones work and are set up. You add a component to your board by clicking on "Add" in the upper right corner and then selecting the component type. 

Add component in dashboard.

The components that will be explained are as follows: 


  • To-do List 
  • Image carousel 
  • Image  
  • Text 
  • Safety cross 
  • Clock 
  • Heading 
  • Status 
  • Improvement component
  • Timer 


  • Data component 
  • Shared Text 
  • Entity component 
  • Number visualizer 
  • Resource planning 
  • Reoccurring checklist 

All components can be tuned and set up in different ways depending on the function that each component fulfills. You reach the settings by clicking on the three dots in the upper right corner of the component.

Menu for component settings. 

To-do list  

The to-do list is used to list tasks that must be done within an organization. You use it by clicking on "+ Add" and then filling in the form. Important to keep in mind when using the To Do list, is that the data cannot be aggregated/mirrored between organizations. 

Image carousel  

The image carousel is used to display images in a board, but unlike the regular image component (described below) this one can display several images in rotation. Put some images under the component's settings and set how long you want it to display each image. 

Image carousel in Boards on Fire.


The image component is used to display an image in your board. You add the image under the component's settings 


"Text“ is used to have somewhere to write on the board. Here you can write whatever you want. Keep in mind, however, that unlike the “Shared text” - component this one cannot be aggregated nor mirrored. 

Safety Cross  

The safety cross is used to visualize accidents and incidents in the organization. This component can be aggregated or mirrored, depending on what you choose in the settings. If two aggregated boards are merged into eg a leadership board, it will always be the "worst" status that is shown in the leadership board's Safety Cross. Thus, the leaderboard will light up red for an accident, even if it is only one sub-organization that has had an accident during the day. The safety cross is also available in a format that shows the whole year divided week by week.

Safety cross in Boards on Fire.  


The clock shows the same time as the system, and is not locked to a specific time zone 


In the header component, you can choose the background color as well as the text color under the component's settings.  


The status component has the same functionality as the safety cross and can, for example, be used to log deviations in other areas such as quality, delivery, production, etc. 

Status component in Boards on Fire.

Continuous Improvements  

The Continuous Improvements component is used to visualize which improvements are taking place at a workplace. Under the component's settings, you can choose which improvement stages you want to display. If you select “active”, all but the completed improvements will be displayed. Under "Organization settings", you can choose which organizations' improvements you want to show. Under the "Filter" tab, you can choose to only show improvements that have a certain label. These labels can only be created when you make a new improvement, so it is not possible to create new labels under the component's settings. The component is only available to those who use Boards on Fire's improvement module.  


The time for the timer can be set by entering the numbers in the component.  

Data component  

The data component is used to fill in and visualize data from a data source. Under the "Fields" tab, you can choose which fields should be displayed in the component's form/graph, as well as which color they should have in the graph. Under the "Form" tab, you can choose to display the form connected to the data source. This is where you fill in the data that is stored and visualized in components connected to the same data source. 

Settings in a data component in Boards on Fire.

Gauge and graph in Boards on Fire.

Shared text  

Shared Text is similar to “Text” in the sense that it is a place to write on a board. The difference is that the shared Text is linked to an entity, and can therefore be aggregated/mirrored. Unlike other components, however, you cannot choose which organizations the component should aggregate/reflect. It is something that is controlled by which entity you use. If the same entity is used in two different places, they will display the same text. 

Entity component  

The entity component is used to fill in and visualize data from an entity. This can be, for example, projects or deviations. Under the "General" tab, you can choose whether the data should be displayed in table or list format. Under the same tab, you can choose how the data should be aggregated/mirrored. Under the "Fields" tab, you can choose which fields you want to display in the table/list. Under the "Filter" tab, you can choose to only display a line in the component if it meets certain requirements for the various fields. 

Simple number visualizer 

Simple number visualizer is used to visualize data from a field in a data source. Under the "General" tab, you choose which data source to use, and under the "Field" tab, you choose which field to display.  

Resource planning  

Resource planning is used to set up tables with data. Only data from data sources can be used in this component. Under the tab "Field" you can choose which fields you want to display, and under the appearance tab you can choose whether you want to see a day's or a week's data.

Number visualizer 

The Number visualizer is similar to Simple number visualizer in that it is used to visualize data from a data source. The difference is that you can display data from several fields, but also from several different data sources. To display a field's data, click on "Add" under the general tab in the component's settings. You then choose the type of data you want to display, as well as from which data source. Under the field tab, you can then choose which field's data you want to display.  

Recurring checklist 

Recurring checklist is mainly used to create different types of checklists, for example within 5S work. It can be checklists/questionnaires/audits etc. which are carried out daily, weekly or monthly. The component is connected to a data source, which must contain the same number of fields as you want questions/items in the list. These fields must also be of type number. Under the tab "Field" you can name your questions/points, if you haven't already done so in the data source, here you can also give each question a min/max value. Under the Gauge & graphs tabs you can have Gauges and graphs linked to the number of points given per question/point.

Checklist in Boards on Fire.

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