Knowledge center


Boards on Fire usage


Getting Started with...

Getting Started with BoF Display – Dashboards and Usage on Large Screens

This does not concern boards that are actively being worked on, but generally applies to display boards and other boards whose purpose is solely to show information and are rarely edited.

Boards on Fire is a web-based tool, which brings several advantages in terms of accessibility and security. Part of the security aspect in the browser concerns "sessions" and the handling of your data/login as a user. After approximately 24 hours of inactivity, you will be logged out of the session in the browser, which means you will need to log in again to continue working in Boards on Fire. To avoid this, you need to update/refresh your browser once a day to maintain your "session" and stay logged in to Boards on Fire.

This can be done automatically through the installation of an extension available for your browser (Chrome, Edge, Safari). We suggest searching for "auto refresh browser extension" and selecting one of the recommended extensions for your specific browser. Install and configure this extension in the browsers that handle the display boards. Make sure the extension updates/refreshes your browser at least once every 24 hours.

Free web demo

We can tell you all about Boards on Fire. But it's easier to show you. Our web demo gives you the basics in 30 min.