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Deviation component Configuration

Deviation component Configuration

Boards on Fire’s Deviation Module is designed to help our customers easily register, track, and measure their deviations. The Deviation Module is included in the Pro, Premium, and Enterprise packages.

This guide primarily provides information on how to configure your Deviation Module. For more general information, refer to this article.

When you click on “Deviation Component” in the component menu, a box will appear with a button for settings. Click the button to open the settings, as shown in the next image.

  • Name: Choose a name for the component.
  • Type of Deviations: In this dropdown list, select which types of deviations should be displayed in the component. How to edit this list is explained later in the article.
  • Severity: In this dropdown list, choose whether only deviations of a specific severity level should be displayed in the component.
  • Scope: Select which organizations’ deviations should be shown in the component. For example, you can choose to mirror another organization or aggregate from multiple ones.
  • Page Size: Choose how many deviations should be displayed per page in the component’s list.
  • Default Date from Today’s Date: Decide whether the component should display dates before or after today’s date.
  • Read-Only: If this toggle is enabled, it will not be possible to add or edit deviations in the component.

Under the “Appearance” tab, you can make the following selections:

  • Display Mode: Choose how the component should be displayed. Below, you will find images of the different options.
  • Calendar/Cross Maximum Width: Adjust the size of the calendar or cross in the component (if one of these display modes is selected).
  • Hide Deviation List: If this toggle is enabled, the list will not be visible in the component.
  • Hide Component Header: If this toggle is enabled, the component header will remain hidden until you hover over it with the mouse.
  • Show Current Streak: If this toggle is enabled, a number indicating the days since the last deviation will be displayed.

The different display modes:




By deviation type

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