Digitala pulstavlor som hjälper dig att fånga avvikelser och fatta rätt beslut.
Fånga era avvikelser och förvandla dem till förbättringar.
Digitala förbättringstavlor och andra verktyg för ständiga förbättringar
Förbättra viktiga nyckeltal inom just era fokusområden med vår SQCDP-tavla.
Använd PDCA-cykeln som ett verktyg för att förbättra både kvalitet och processer.
Digitala verktyg för 5S-arbete, återkommande audits och en välorganiserad arbetsplats.
Visualisera nyckeltal och kommunicera effektivt i hela organisationen!
Enkel hantering av projekt och aktiviteter i Boards on Fire.
Kanban är en kraftfull metod för att visualisera, hantera och optimera arbetsflöden.
Digitala tavlor för taktat flöde med taktklocka och stopptid.
Digital besöksregistrering ger full koll på alla planerade och genomförda besök till verksamheten.
Streamline your decision-making with our digital SQCDP boards – a powerful solution for visualizing and tracking safety, quality, cost, delivery, and personnel. Our smart technology makes it easy to monitor critical KPIs in real-time, all in a user-friendly digital format.
SQCDP is a concept in lean manufacturing, which stands for Safety, Quality, Cost, Delivery, and People. It's often used as a visual management tool to help teams identify and address issues within these areas. By monitoring these areas with the help of Boards on Fire's digital dashboard, you create the conditions for continuous improvement of your operations.
A well-designed SQCDP board should be easy to understand and provide a quick overview of the team's performance and potential problem areas. By consistently updating and referring to the board, teams can focus on continuous improvement.
The specific content of an SQCDP board can vary depending on the company's unique needs, but here are some common components you might see:
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There are many versions of SQCDP, and these often reflect the specific needs of different companies, industries, or departments within a company. There's no one-size-fits-all approach to this methodology. Below are some of the most common variants.
Safety, Quality, Delivery, Cost, Morale, and Environment. In this version, "Morale" and "Environment" are added. "Morale" refers to the overall mood and job satisfaction of the employees, and "Environment" points to the company's environmental impact and efforts to minimize it.
Quality, Delivery, Innovation, and Productivity. Here, "safety" and "people" are removed, and "innovation" and "productivity" are added.
Safety, Quality, Delivery, and Cost. In this version, "people" or "staff" is not included.
Different versions of this concept can be used depending on an organization's specific needs and priorities. The key is to choose the metrics that are most relevant and useful for your specific organization or situation.