Three board types i Boards on Fire

Using Boards on Fire 2023-04-12

In Boards on Fire there are three different types of boards to choose from – Dashboards, Activity Boards and Display Boards. You can build and adjust these three board types with a range of different components to fit your specific needs. 

Boards on Fires tre taveltyper.

The dashboard

The dashboard is the most common and most used type of board. It is this type of board that is used to visualize several different types of data together by using several components on the same table. This also makes the dashboard the most versatile, as it can be tuned to do basically anything. There are also settings for different types of layouts, depending on how many and how wide the columns you want to display should be.

Olika layouter på en översiktstavla i Boards on Fire.

The settings for this can be found in the upper right corner, by clicking on the three dots, and then selecting "settings" in the menu. The dashboard is used to create, for example, pulse boards and boards for daily management.

The activity board

The activity board can be used to visualize, among other things, projects, staffing, and improvements in a larger format. You can think of the activity board as a single large component. There are a variety of column types you can build the board with, depending on what you want to use it for, such as pure text fields, status fields, employee lists, date fields, to-do lists, and so on.

Screenshot av en projekttavla i Boards on Fire som listar alla medarbetare och deras projekt.

The display board

The display board is the simplest of the board types. When you create a display board, you can choose whether you want to use it for; a slide show that displays and switches between a combination of several different dashboards and/or display boards, display data or show the pace of production. Simply explained, the production pace timer board is a single large clock where you can display pace and/or stops in the production. When you want to display data in a display board, you can present values from one data source in a larger format.

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